Friday 8 February 2013




In the previous posts I have mentioned about Karmic mates and Soul mates, here I would like to enlighten you about twin flames.
Your actual twin flame is the other half of your soul, eons ago when we parted from the source (GOD) we happened to be one soul, androgynous  by nature, with the same   DNA blue print, having both the male and female essence ,our soul along with all the other souls in the monad,  were sent to the spiritual realm so God could experience  himself through the different souls , but life can be experienced only in the physical realm, so a final division took place of all the souls, where one soul split into two, and went different ways, one having a masculine energy and the other  a feminine energy, the masculine energy has retained a part of the feminine essence  and  vice versa.
 Since then we have roamed around in incomplete state, life after life in different incarnations, entangling ourselves in number of Karmic and soul mate relationships. Our soul keeps aching and craving for completion,  which is fulfilled  only when we meet our other half ,our Twin Flame. But for this to happen , first and foremost we have to be in relationships with various souls ,experience life in its varied form, and then we will reach a point were each one of us will have to make serious choice and commitments, and eventually balance our Karma's, thus begins the process of growth and spiritual evolvement.
Twin flames rarely meet, because one will be in the spirit plane and the other in the physical, or may take birth in different life span, to balance their Karmic deeds ,but for some, who are on their last journey in this physical realm  will ultimately meet their twin flames. Its a spiritual reunion. This relationship is purely soul based, and both the souls experience unconditional love, a sacred sense of intimacy ,and a deep desire to serve humanity at all levels .This relationship is under the protection of the divine law ,their intermingling DNA will bind them together, in a subconscious level, and woe to those who come between this pure spiritually based love relation.

But on our final journey, as ordained by the universe, and as per divine timing our twin flame will appear in our lives unexpectedly,specially when the soul has just come out of a deep physical or mental trauma, like health or financial crisis, serious emotional problems, or death of near or dear ones ,which is called “The dark night of the soul” when the twin flames incarnate, the person will not be your ideal mate, there is no love at first sight like soul mate love relations, as the recognition of twin flames is more at the soul level than the mind or heart level. they are our mirror images , they reflect all the qualities we like, similarities, and everything we dislike, its a beautiful but traumatic relationship the bond is so intense that one of the partners tries to avoid the relation ,and will run away from it, or try to block the emotions , the whole process is a difficult one, were we inflict terrible pain to our other half ,unknowingly, because we are unable to comprehend the depth of our feeling for the soul, its like living with total chaos.
 The path of soul mate relation,  is more peaceful and  smooth, based on love and understanding, with very  few differences, though there may be external obstacles  , its more about personal growth. But  the path of twin flames is  full of thorns, a very difficult one, because they have differences, they are like mirror images equal but opposites , its more about unconditional love and spiritual growth,  divine by nature.
Psychic connection and synchronicity will play a major role in the meeting of  our twin flames  this will intensify  and become more frequent as we  get closer to our other half .Its a wake up call, messengers in different form ,  start relaying the messages, maybe someone whom you meet will guide your path, or you may notice the name of the person being displayed on billboards, hoardings, films songs ,TV or in books, newspapers, or buses , birth dates displayed on signposts, any vehicles , mile stones ,you will find the numbers staring at you eerily from the face of the clocks , and make you aware of the divine connection, though your mind tells you to run from this connection, but your dear departed near and dear ones in the spirit world will ensure you remain there, they will guide you in dream sequences, and impress the messages in your mind till you get it, these messages can be comprehended  only if you are tuned to their  frequency, and  in spite of this if we try to escape it, then the universe will take drastic measures, initially small troubles and difficulties will cross your path, later  on harder blows will  rudely awaken you to this divine connection. we  have to realize that this is no ordinary relationship ,and does not adhere to ordinary laws, it is a beginning of a spiritual journey.
The stages of twin flame (TF)relations: 

  1) Recognition:  Both the TF, will recognize each other at the soul level, but not the physical, they may find each other familiar, but  will not be  love at first sight romance, like soul mates.

2) Ego: In the course of their friendship, Inner conflicts will arise, which may result in external  ego based fights, or one of them will romanticize the relation, and try to fit into the old model of romance and love, roses and candlelight dinners, which is far from reality. 

3)  Crisis: In some cases one of the TF will try to reject the other half, for various reasons ,maybe the TF is in a love relation with another soul, or  is soul bound to their married partner. Sometimes past rejections or traumas will  trigger dysfunctional emotional patterns, in such cases if they are not tuned to the messages from the universe they will not understand the significance of the relation, and adamantly become rigid in their views and behavior.

4)  Runners and chasers: One or both the twins swill become emotionally traumatized, and shattered , flooded with deep pain from the soul level, with this physical level rejection and abandonment, they will try to withdraw physically and block all forms of connection, then one of them starts running from the other, the other twin looses their sense of equilibrium and becomes a chaser.

5)  Evolvement: The runner twin will ultimately realize their mistake and become more understanding and compassionate, they  make positive changes , and fully explore their life and become enlightened, the chaser twin realizes, that this is no romantic love relation, one cannot change the other twin in the mind or heart level like soul mate relation, TF relation  is a soul based relationship, hence we have to make changes in our self , first, resolve all our inner  emotional skeletons, like ego, anger, frustrations, depressions, fear, lack of love , etc we have to accept the other  twin unconditionally without any expectations or desires, which will create a  positive resonance within 0ur being which will  in turn attract the identical essence in the other being.

6)  Spiritual enlightenment: Both the twins will reach a stage were they will be enlightened, there is a special sacredness to the relation, they will surrender to each other, and will radiate divine love, at this point they may channel their healing and creative ability to art, music ,writing, teaching, painting, photography  or any other creative field. In a way service to humanity becomes their ultimate goal.

The relationship is a honest and a transparent one, there is no game playing or manipulation, They do not compete with each other, they are not depended on each other, each soul is complete by itself, there is a electrifying feeling between them, and the two are inseparable, they accept each others strength and weakness automatically, nothing is hidden from them , they have the same vision ,there is a great sense of purpose and meaning to the relationship.

When they meet they will accomplish great things together, not only for themselves , or their family, but for the entire community, or even the world at large. they will work together for the  upliftment  of society , and will try to influence other souls to completion and spirituality and  harness their energy together in service to others.
The direction and the outcome of the relation  is surrendered to the almighty,  having  full faith  and trust in the universe, that this union is under divine protection, and together they will unite in their final journey to the origin, that is GOD.  .AMEN


  1. Good point of view, agree to half of it

  2. LOL. I'll agree with the other half.

  3. Hi, is this your own writing? How do you have so much insight into twin flames and soul mates? Please share your personal experience if possible ..

    1. I am undergoing a very similar experience that is descriBed

  4. I'm nearly there... thank you for sharing this. God bless you x

  5. there is love at first sight for some.

  6. All of those in the stages you mentioned happened exactly. We're / I am at the evolvement stage.... That tree on the picture is also very familiar... Before everything happened I remember asking for a "travel buddy" and I always imagine us reaching that tree at a certain point and and he's looking out at that "moon" or the horizon from the tree.. I wonder if that means anything...

  7. This is really real . Im in the 9th month with my my TF. Everything you've just read is true. She came to my job a year ago. We became good friends right away and started dating shortly after and weeks in we both started to recall having brief encounters with eachother at random places several times over the course of 26 years. The biggest and most signifigant memory we share is her almost drowning and me saving her life 26 years ago when I was a Jones Beach Lifeguard .

  8. Even if you know they are in spirit, self-awareness, self-improvement and surrender will bring you closer to yourself.

  9. I really hope this twin flame thing is true. But I need to reunite now. The pain is too much.

  10. So true even tho we crossed paths live in two different countries our ages 12 years apart, we even gave our daughers the same first and middle name. I know one day we will cross paths again in Devine timing.

  11. There was never a split beforehand. The split itself is a psychological issue that need to be addressed in our subconscious. Apparently The other 'half' is a mere reflection of under the code 11:11... The other 'half' is a mere illusion and the code 11:11 has to be overcome to bypass this illusion. We are complete in ourself and the divine mother has changed laws of the new universe whereby she made sure that all our parts are pulled into us... The twin flame is an illusion by itself

  12. The pain is indescribable. Years of agony. The deeper layers come up, so it doesn't get easier over time. It is like a horrific punishment.

  13. Can a twin flame find you repulsive

    1. No, but they may pretend to be, or convince themselves they are in order to deny the truth- they are in unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you, whether they want to accept it or not.
      (eventually they will have to face the truth though, if it is a true twin flame)

    2. What it is.... Is when they see you they see themselves and it's great when you see the strengths but then you see "your" weakness flaws and insecurities in THEM or where you used to be if you are older then you tend to judge them like you judge yourself but there is a certain denial for yourself to protect yourself and self esteem and you sometimes want to blame the reflection. No one wants to feel vulnerable and most often you don't want things presented to you until your ready to deal with it and the stress is the strong pull of this other person who you love like no other yet find them almost intrusive (the chaser) so thats why they say the runner will run until they accept and see the situation for what it is and what needs to be done. THEN I imagine once you both are where you need to be to accept one another on equal grounds I imagine all will be well and you can unite to your mission together or he reason twin's reunite.

  14. Tina we are totally unconditionally and irrevocably in love with each other. I have put my relationship on hold as I can not marry my partner knowing that I dont have feelings for him but I am in love with another guy and have feelings for this guy. Another thing I dont want him to leave his partner because of me. We both dont know what to do. We dont want to hurt other people but we also dont want to loose each other. He cant spend time with me and is asking me to be patient. Sometimes when we want to betogether he wont make it. Sometimes I will find myself impetient about the hole situation and ask him to let me go. He always ask me to take it slow. But I cant stop loving him, just a thought of loosing him hurts me more than I can imagine. Sometimes I will try to call him and send him messages wthout any reply from his side. It will be difficult for me to fall asleep. Everytime when I am hurting I always manage to connect, it feels like our conscious mind alway manage to communicate. It always happens when I am like half asleep but not sleeping, like a dream but I could feel that I am awake then after that I will fall asleep. Please tell me are we twin souls and how can I handle this situation. Thank you.

  15. I've been through alot of inward growth and finally at peace with my twinflame experience :) but it has taken me four years to feel good about it all... Its hard to go through but worth it.. I learnt alot of wisdom, it was God's creation and plan and I surrender to that <3

  16. I am not sure if the relationship I am describing is a soulmate or a Twin soul one. I have been doing some research on this since over a year ago and I keep coming back to it. I met with him during a time when he was suffering emotional/physical pain. I wouldn't say I was physically attracted to him, but he insisted that we talk on the phone and I didn't call him for a week but eventually decided to call. We come originally from two different countries but we were drawn to each other since our first conversation and talked for many hours. I kind of knew it since the beginning that our relationship that it wasn't going to last but we liked each other's company. During this time we really helped each other discover our talents and potentials, and learned that we had a lot in common (even childhood experiences).The physical separation was really painful for a while and I felt isolated. After we broke up I started to understand how much we had in common and how similar our insecurities were, it's almost as if we had mirror insecurities that we needed to resolve on our own. He even told me that I needed to learn from other relationships, and that's why we couldn't be together and I told him that I only wanted to be with him and he said he did too, but then somehow we would swallow all that we said and pretend that we didn't mater. Even though we have been apart for three years, we have e-mailed each other a few times. There have been times that he wasn't doing too well and I gave him advice, and I am the one going through difficult times lately and he is the one giving me advice and courage. We both care for the people that we are currently dating, but I feel that our love for each other goes beyond just romance. Even our professional experiences (and causes we care about) are similar (and physically we have a lot of similarities, he is sort of the masculine version of me). I feel that he knows this too, but he just can't leave from where he is to be with me and I am not ready to be with him either. He is my mind and I know I will not stop loving him even if it is meant that we need to be apart

  17. yes you feel at times you are going mad and is it a deam then the heavenly guides send you messages and you feel ok but the pain and ego dont want to go without a fight well there is no room for that in your lifr or youre beloved s. keep strong twins United we stand for a peaceful world.Say blessings every day. Amen.
